
What can we do to save Coral Reefs Globally?

Dead coral reef 
We need to develop better plans with how to deal with what is causing coral reefs to go extinct. More regulation needs to be done with how fishing, mining, and pollution takes place. Especially regulation of fishing methods. There should be more regulation and penalties for coral mining, and overall pollution into the ocean needs to be stopped.

Currently there are laws protecting a variety of Coral Reefs in the U.S. such as not allowing fishing in and around National parks (Globalization 2010). On a international level however, there is little being done (Globalization 2010). More laws need to be in place protecting coral areas, and more protected areas that are free of human interference. Coral reef resilience is at an all time low, and human interaction is going to be the death of reefs unless action is taking. Ideally lowering the amounts of Carbon dioxide produced by humans would benefit the reefs greatly, along with all marine life. Steps need to be taken, and laws need to be enforced about the amount of Carbon dioxide produced and let off into the atmosphere.

There needs to be more management along Coral Reef areas. The demand for the biodiversity the coral reefs contains needs to somehow regulated and lowered. We have to lower the amount of how much the products of disturbing reefs cost to really lower human interaction. To conclude, I think the best way to advocate coral reef health is to inform people about the problem, and set up new laws and regulations that can control the areas that are in danger and possibly lower the amount of Carbon dioxide released from humans all around to lower the impact we have been causing to coral reefs to allow them time to be able to recover and thrive.

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